A panic attack is a sudden episode of severe anxiety accompanied by painful feelings.

It is not a threat to your life and health right HERE AND NOW, it is just a result of experienced stressful situations and intense anxiety.

How can you relieve a panic attack?

Take at least eight deep breaths and eight deep exhales.

▫️Shift your attention to what you are wearing and try to determine the kind of material your clothes is made of, feel it.

▫️See where you are sitting or standing.

▫️Determine what is around you. Any concentration on extraneous things can help you come to your senses.

▫️ During a panic attack, try to limit your movements and, if possible, sit down and sort of 'freeze'.

▫️Talk to someone. Talking to someone else will give you a sense of security and distract you from the attack.

It is possible to get rid of sudden fear episodes yourself, but if these attacks recur, it would be a good idea to see a specialist.